Tiffany Goffe


Here's some useful resources and inspirational content that I've created. Feel free to share and use as you like!


These are designed to be printed on to A4. I do get asked to share these, so please feel free to print and use as you wish.

Self-care toolbox for young people


Print out, fold up, hand it out. I give these to clients to keep, so that they have useful resources at hand when they need them.

About me


I created this sheet to use as a communication tool with young people. It can be great for interactions, give it a try.

Positive Self-talk


Morning Affirmations


Shareable inspiration

Here, you’ll find some of my favourite inspirational quotes and the reasons why they resonate with me. If they inspire you too, feel free to print these and display them as handy motivators.



This is my daily mantra. I genuinely believe the only thing that stands in between us and achieving our goals, is not giving up. Try it and see what happens!



If you had a tough start in life, made mistakes or something didn’t work out the way you planned, you can always start over. See everyday as a chance to start again!



Kindness is medicine for the soul. If you are the receiver of kindness you feel good and if you are the giver of kindness you feel good. It’s a win-win situation!



As a mother of two, this quote helps me to remember that parenting comes with no manual - so I shouldn’t beat myself up when things don’t go right. Instead, use these times for learning.



Lack of self belief can be the thing that stops you. If you believe in yourself and push hard through those doubts, amazing things can happen!



This quote helps me stay focused on my own path. Don’t be put off by others, they don’t know your mind, ideas or plans - only you know!

Helpful videos

Here you can find links to videos that I sometimes use in support of educating young people around managing their well-being.

Fight Flight Freeze – Anxiety Explained For Teens

Short video explaining anxiety for teenagers.

Fight Flight Freeze – Anxiety Explained For Kids

Short video explaining anxiety for kids and what it might feel like in their bodies.

What is meant by mental health – explained for young people

A short video designed to give young people aged 11-14 an understanding of what we mean by mental health and how we can look after it.

Know of some other useful resources?

If you know of a resource that you think would be useful for parents, professionals or young people, please message me and I will look to include it in the future